How The US and Australian FDA Bodies Allow Untested Chemicals To Enter Your Bloodstream
Allow Your Body To Be A Live Testing Ground
For Untested Toxins In Skin Care Products "
- Is It True The FDA Allows Skin Care and Cosmetic Makers To Illegally Hijack Your Bloodstream Through Penetration Enhancers?
- What Are The Official FDA Regulations Regarding Pre-Market Testing Of Cosmetic Ingredients?
Today's issue of the Natural Skin Care Secrets will shock you to the core! Through my thousands of hours of investigation you are about to uncover a shocking web of deception, fraud and cover-ups.
This tangled web includes the US FDA (Food & Drug Administration), Australian FDA (Therapeutic Goods Association), "British FDA", "Canadian FDA" (in fact, almost all country specific FDA equivalents) chemical corporations, skin care and cosmetic manufacturers.The most shocking thing is that this goes right to the top.
Would you believe that the US, Canadian, British and Australian FDA agencies actually allow your skin and body to be a live testing ground for unassessed chemicals? It's true.
Did you also know that the US and Australian FDA both allow skin care makers to illegally hijack your bloodstream through the use of "penetration enhancer" chemicals like Propylene Glycol and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate?
These toxins have one only purpose, that is to drive down deep through 5 layers of your skin and open a highway for other even more hazardous chemicals to enter your bloodstream.
Can you just imagine the "pandora's box" of disease this can cause your healthy body? So, just how did it come to this? Well first let's take a step back and have a look at the actual US FDA regulations regarding prescription drugs.
Here is a direct quote from the US "FDA Bible":
From this statement you can clearly see that ONLY prescription dugs pre-approved by the FDA are allowed to enter your bloodstream and change the structure or function of the human body."Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act defines drugs
as those products that cure, treat, mitigate
or prevent disease or that affect the structure
or function of the human body.
While drugs are subject to an intensive review
and approval process by FDA, cosmetics are not
approved by FDA prior to sale. If a product has
drug properties, it must be approved as a drug,
only approved drugs are allowed to enter your
Source: FDA,
Now let's take a closer look at exactly what "penetration enhancers" are. As I mentioned above these toxins infiltrate the skin membrane and open the door for many other chemicals to enter.
These include a laundry list of common chemicals like Propylene Glycol, Ammonium Glycolate, Lauryl Lactate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. I urge to check your products right now to see if they contain these chemicals. Skin care and cosmetic products containing these chemicals are all approved for use by the US, British and Australian FDA bodies, as strange as it may seem.
So just how common are these chemicals used in personal care products? A lot, in fact 57% of all skin care products use "penetration enhancers" according to my site's 60 plus skin care reviews along with EWG's 2005 research covering more than 14,000 products.
A lot of people may ask, "But don't the US, Canadian, British and Australian FDA bodies regulate ingredients used in skin care and cosmetics?" The answer is a resounding NO.
In fact the FDA even says this themselves on the official website. Here are two quotes straight from the "horse's mouth":
"The [Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act] contains
no provision that requires demonstration to
FDA of the safety of ingredients of cosmetic
products...prior to marketing the product."
— FDA , September 29 2005
"With the exception of color additives and a few
prohibited ingredients, a cosmetic manufacturer
may on his own responsibility, use essentially
any raw material and market the product
without approval."
So, in a nutshell, the reason why "penetration enhancer" chemicals are illegal for use in personal care products is because this directly violates the US FDA's own regulations regarding the use of cosmetic chemicals that affect the structure or function of the human body.
The upshot of this revelation is that we can once and for all put to bed the well worn myth that and "regional FDA" - or for that matter, any other other government body around the world - regulate the skin care and cosmetic industry.
So just what are US, British and Australian FDA bodies doing about this massive loophole in the system. In a word, nothing.
Yes, in spite of the massive documented evidence of dangerous chemicals in 99% of personal care products the US FDA has not shown any signs of fixing the problem.
Here is what you need to know about the US FDA and their current power.
1) The US FDA cannot require a recall of harmful products.
2) The US FDA has not even defined what safe means or how to achieve it.
3) The Agency consistently declines to develop guidance for the cosmetic industry on what must be done to guarantee safety and what standards must be met to ensure a product is safe.
In a nutshell, the US FDA basically gives the cosmetic industry a blank check to market whatever they want even though it contradicts the FDA's own laws on drug classification.
Funny thing is that the US, British and Australian FDA and other government agencies have no problem regulating just about every other area of our lives but when it comes to the cosmetic industry all of a sudden they choose not to intervene.
Some would say that the FDA has been bought and paid for by the pharma/chemical/cosmetic cartel. I'll let you be the judge of that, but I think you know where I stand.
Whether or not it is the case really doesn't matter, the fact is you have to take decisive action if you are to protect yourself from these
What's the bottom line? Well, when it comes to your skin and general health in relation to personal care products you have 3 options.
Firstly, you can do what most people do, nothing.
Secondly, you can take indirect action by trying to change the system. If this is you I wish you good luck with getting even with government
and corporations who have unlimited resources and the corporate media in their back pocket.
Now, since you are a member of this community the chances are you will take the smartest option like the rest of us here. Take direct action. That's right. Educate yourself and be personally responsible for whatever it is you want to achieve whether it be skin care or general health.
This is rather simple when you become an IOC of skin care and cosmetics as you control what products or herbal remedies you use.
If this is you I have great news for you. In tomorrow's issue you will leapfrog 99% of the general public almost instantly. You will discover the "hidden" online chemical database that will shortcut your research time by thousands of hours.
Tomorrow's issue is called:
Cosmetic Cartel By Becoming An Expert
Ingredient Detective Almost Instantly, By
Accessing A "Hidden" Online Database"
Yours for Natural Skin Care,
Adam Waters
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