Thursday, October 9, 2008


It didn't take very long after moving here to realize that something was amiss with the local mail delivery. I would miss bills and notices and shipments of products, and Netflix, and other things I know someone sent, but i never received. Then it got more serious. Like, my notice of property tax for some real estate i own. That wound up costing me a $100 fee, since my tax payment was late--and when i DID RECEIVE THAT letter, i was told I'd better hurry or my property would be sold at a tax sale for non-payment.

I wound up getting stopped and ticketed for expired tags. GUESS WHY? I don't drive very much since i work at home, and I only notice my tag dates when i receive the usual renewal notice. I didn't get it, because the mail carrier DID NOT DELIVER IT TO MY BOX. who knows where it ended up. So i was driving around with expired tags. That cost me SIX MONTHS of payments to the Police Department before it was over.

Then i began to get calls from neighbors. Neighbors who lived on similar sounding streets. Similar, but not the same. One had two of my Netflix. One had my electricity bill, one had other mail mistakenly delivered to them that belonged to me and incidentally, was ADDRESSED CORRECTLY. All my neighbors were very nice and some even brought my mail to my door and handed it to me. Their kindness was only matched by the rudeness of the Bella Vista Postmaster, as it turns out. I called him several times, and he never called back, and finally i reached him and the first thing out of his mouth was rude, then the second thing, then the third.

I said, "Look. All I'm trying to do is get this problem corrected. I am not receiving things i should be and my neighbors on other streets are bringing me my own mail, and I'm also finding theirs in MY box..."

He dismissed me with some catty remark and when i said, "Hold on a minute, aren't you in charge of this? Isn't this your job?"

He told me not to tell him what his job was and HUNG UP ON ME.


I filed a complaint online with the Inspector General who sent me some other notice that i should contact someone else. I'm in the process of that, but i wonder if it's a case of just picking my battles, since I'm not going to be here that much longer. Maybe i should skip the "Going Postal" response.

I am SO ready for my move to Colorado, where at least they are capable of reading an address and matching it to the right box. I mean, it's not quantum physics. I'm sure there are plenty of capable people who would love to have that carrier's job.

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